10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

1. KompoZer

10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

All the fans of Dreamweaver might consider KompoZer the poor man’s choice but actually this isn’t so. KompoZer, the former Nvu, is a WISYWIG HTML editor that, unlike Dreamweaver, doesn’t require an ultra powerful PC just to open a file. KompoZer is a light-weight application but it is a good choice even for advanced programming tasks.


2. Eclipse

10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

Java developers do have a lot of IDEs to choose from. Many of them choose Eclipse because it is convenient to work with. Additionally, it has a PHP plug-in so if you have occasional PHP programming tasks, you can still work in Eclipse.


3. Komodo Edit


Komodo Edit is an editor for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, etc. It is the little brother of their paid Komodo IDE, but even this kind of limited edition has all the perks you will need in your daily work.

Komodo Edit是ActiveState开发的一款开源编辑器,与很多常规编辑器不同,它有很多编辑器所没有,IDE(集成开发环境)才有的特性。事实上,Komodo Edit也可被当作IDE。

4. Apache


Apache is the Web server that no Web developer can go without. Apache is fast and reliable but mastering it can be a bit hard, especially for a beginner.

Apache HTTP Server(简称Apache)是Apache软件基金会的一个开放源代码的网页服务器,可以在大多数电脑操作系统中运行,由于其跨平台和安全性 被广泛使用,是最流行的Web服务器端软件之一。它快速、可靠并且可通过简单的API扩充,将Perl/Python等解释器编译到服务器中。


10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

If you want to write Web applications, a Web server is only the foundation. You need other tools, such as the relational MySQL database and the PHP language framework. Installing and configuring them one by one is not rocket science but it is much easier when you get XAMPP – a bundle with Apache, PHP, and MySQL. XAMPP is very easy to install.


6. PostgreSQL

10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

MySQL is a good choice for a relational DB but if you have some reasons not to use it, you could consider an alternative, such as PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL是自由的对象-关系数据库服务器(数据库管理系统),在灵活的BSD-风格许可证下发行。它在其他开放源代码数据库系统(比如MySQL和Firebird),和专有系统比如Oracle、Sybase、IBM的DB2和Microsoft SQL Server之外,为用户又提供了一种选择。

7. phpMyAdmin


phpMyAdmin is another open source application many Web developers can’t live without. It is a GUI used to administer MySQL databases and it makes the entire process much easier.

phpMyAdmin 是一个以PHP为基础,以Web-Base方式架构在网站主机上的MySQL的数据库管理工具,让管理者可用Web接口管理MySQL数据库。

8. Firefox Web Developer Toolbar


Firebug is cute, but if you want something really big and powerful then you should try the Firefox web developer toolbar. It has even more functions than the Firebug plug-in and with it you can literally dissect any Web page to see what’s inside its code.

And for you Chrome addicts out there, there is a version available for you as well.

Web Developer Toolbar 是一款运行于 Firefox 等Webkit内核浏览器基础之上的网页开发工具插件,内建强大的调试和设置功能,为众多的网页开发人员提供想当实用的功能,几乎是每个网页设计师必备的工具。

And for you Chrome addicts out there, there is a version available for you as well.

9. OpenSTA

10 个适用于Web开发人员的最棒开源开发工具

Once you finish coding your application you are not done yet. You need to test it. While there are tons of tests you can (and should) do, one of the tests you shouldn’t skip under any circumstances is load testing. With the help of OpenSTA you can perform the necessary tests to make sure that your application doesn’t misbehave under stress.

OpenSTA 是一个免费的、开放源代码的Web性能测试工具,能录制功能非常强大的脚本过程,执行性能测试。

10. Browsershots.org


Unlike the other tools and applications on the list, this one isn’t an application/tool but rather a free service. However, since it is a great helper, I have included it in the list. Browsershots.org allows to you see how your site is viewed in any possible browser. The list of browsers includes almost any browser you can imagine and this saves you the hassle to manually test your site for browser compatibility.

一个好的网页设计师必须考虑到网页在不同浏览器下的效果,以期让所有的网友都能有良好的视觉效果。http://browsershots.org/ 这个网站可以让人检视网页在不同浏览器下的显示效果,只要把网址输入到首页的字段中,等个半小时就能看到网页在不同浏览器下呈现的效果。
